<div id="header"> <h1><a id="top" name="top">東南アジア学会<br />Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies</a></h1> <a href="../index.html"><span></span></a> </div> <h2><cite>SOUTHEAST ASIA: HISTORY AND CULTURE</cite><br />General Table of Contents</h2>
June 5, 1982
Formation of a Sugar Region in Late 19th Century Negros, Philippines Y. Nagano 3
Penetration of Japanese Cotton Cloth into Southeast Asia in the Interim of the Two World Wars Y. Murayama 37
Thailand's Declaration of War Against the United States and Great Britain in 1942 K. Ichikawa 65
The Ko Harberds in Nouthern Viet-Nam C. Matsui 79
Genealogical Confederation of T'u-ssŭ (Native Chieftain) in Case of the Yi People in Ming Period S. Kurihara 101
Political System and Local Domination of Sip Song Panna Kingdom in Yunnan Province K. Hasegawa 125
[Book Reviews]
Cheng Ho-shêng and Cheng I-chün, Cheng Ho-hsia Hsi-yang tsu liao hui pien H. Ogawa 149
Abdullah, trs. M. Nakahara, The Hikayat Abdullah Y. Suzuki 151
Z. Ikuno, History of Theravada Buddhism in Burma S. Ikeda 152
G. Orwell, Burmese Days H. Tanada 157
[Miscellaneous Information]
Official Records on the Japanese Activities in Southeast Asia S. Nagaoka 160
Studies on Insular Southeast Asian History in France A. Nagazumi 163
SPAFA, Workshop on Research on Srivijaya K. Nakada 165
The Keio University Edition of Dai-Nan Thuc-lic M. Wada 167
The Conservation of Buddhist Mural Paintings in Thailand R. Sugishita 169
The Irrigation System of the Tai in Sip Song Panna A. Kaji 170
The Trend of Studies on Agricultural History in China T. Watanabe 172
The Bibliography on Southeast Asian Studies
(January 1980 to December 1981)
S. Ito,
M. Wada