<div id="header"> <h1><a id="top" name="top">東南アジア学会<br />Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies</a></h1> <a href="../index.html"><span></span></a> </div> <h2><cite>SOUTHEAST ASIA: HISTORY AND CULTURE</cite><br />General Table of Contents</h2>
December 1, 1975
Gordon H. Luce's Old Burma—Early Pagan 書後— Jao Tsung-I. 3
The Change in the Number of Villages in Medieval Vietnam Y. Sakurai 14
The “Révolution” of 1688 in Thailand A. Iijima 54
The Transformation of the Lampong Society in South Sumatra under the Rule of Bantam T. Suzuki 95
The Meaning of “Ethnic Nation” as Used by Filipino Nationalist Thinkers in the Latter Half of the Nineteeth Century J.S. Caldwell 122
Aceh under the Japanese Military Administration S. Shiraishi 132
[Book Reviews]
Le Bayon, Histoire architéctural du temples, par Jacques Dumarçay — Inscriptions du Bayon, par Bernard Philippe Groslier — T. Yamamoto 147
M.C. Ricklefs, Jogjakarta under Sultan Mangkubumi: 1749—1792 H. Mori 150
Renato Constantino, The philippines, A Past Revisited S. Ikehata 153
R.T.N. Sompop Piromya (ed.), Arts and Archaeology in Thailand S. Ito 157
[Miscellaneous Information]
Southeast Asian Studies at the S.O.A.S. Y. Ishii 161
Trends of Southeast Asian Studies in France Y. Ishizawa 162
Training Center for Social Science Research in Banda Aceh in Sumatra A. Nagazumi 166
The Inauguration of the Institute of Cultural History and Fine Arts in Chiangrai, Thailand Y. Shiratori 168
Regular Meetings of the Japan Society for Southeast Asian History T. Yamamoto 170
The Society of Ryukyan Studies H. Wada 170
Beyond the “Asiaphobia”, Feasibility of Indonesian Studies Y. Suzuki 171
Glympses of Sumba, the Lesser Sundas, Indonesia A. Ono 174
International Ocean Exposition, Okinawa 1975 S. Ikuta 176
The Recent Activity of the Society for Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Hiroshima S. Imanaga 178
Southeast Asian Studies at the Research Institute of Comparative Education and Culture, Kyushu University T. Ayabe 179
Center for the Preservation of Traditional Literature in the north-eastern Thailand T. Yoshikawa 181